Glossary of Maori kupu (words)
waka canoe, boat
ama outrigger
hoe paddle, blade
hoe runga paddle up (hold the paddle above your head)
hoe rere paddle in start position, ready to go
hoe start paddling (similar to: ready, steady, go)
karakia prayer (We say prayer before and after paddling to show our respect, honouring the elemental
forces, life energies and all that is, asking for support and guidance.)
kia ora welcome, thank you, be well
panui announcement, advertisment, race pack
tikanga custom, etiquette, protocoll, rule
hongi perceive with your nose (smell, sniff, breathing through the nose)
After paddling we thank each other and acknowledge a safe return by sharing our breath with
each other. The hongi is a traditional Maori way of greeting and connecting with each other -
watch an explanation by Maori elder Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere here.)